Personal Responsibility
Students show pride by demonstrating personal responsibility. They come to school on time, attend school regularly, dress appropriately, complete homework, transport papers, notes, and books between school and home, and accept the consequences for their own actions.
Students show pride by demonstrating respect for others and for school property. They follow school rules to keep everyone safe. They listen when others are talking and use polite speech when talking to adults and classmates. They treat others fairly and use self-control. They help keep their classroom and school clean and take good care of school materials.
Students show pride by demonstrating integrity. They follow school rules even when no one is watching. They are honest in all things and do what is right even if it is not popular.
Students show pride by demonstrating determination. They do their personal best every day. They put forth their best effort to learn whether the task is easy or difficult. They don’t give up. They keep trying to improve.
Students show pride by demonstrating enthusiasm. They are glad to come to school and enjoy learning. They are eager to try new things and enjoy sharing their learning with others. They work cooperatively with teachers and peers to make their school a great place to be.